Many clients comment on how difficult it is to stay on track with eating healthy when visiting friends or family especially if they haven’t seen them for quite some time. We tend to feel bad about “imposing” our eating habits and lifestyle on others, or worry that it might make things awkward or offend someone.  I myself have been in this situation numerous times. Here are some of the ways I’ve learned for how to eat healthy when visiting family, as well as some tips for having positive conversations with family members who don’t eat the same way you do.


First and foremost, I pack and bring all my supplements with me including my protein powder as well as other items such as Maca root powder and also 100% raw cacao. It is so good! No sweeteners, just full-on, pure, fermented (yes cacao is a fermented food) purely natural chocolate with nothing else with it. I am so used to it now that eating even 85% cacao chocolate bars are almost too sweet for me.

Raw cacao powder gives your body a massive hit of antioxidants (up to 20 times that of a blueberry) and more than 300 different chemical compounds.


 The first thing I do is to head to a proper grocery store before heading home to the family. My first stop is in the produce section. Stock up on some fresh fruit (great alternative for snacking or sweet cravings), and a variety of veggies. I also get the essentials like Himalayan crystal salt, quinoa, black beans, nut butter and coconut oil. Once I get the essentials, I am armed with good food! That is a huge step to staying on track.


 Once I have stocked up at the grocery store, a winning formula I use is to offer to cook for everyone!


This strategy won’t work for everyone and in every travel situation, but when it is possible, cooking for everyone lets you choose healthy foods and dishes.

I do always like to destroy the myth that healthy food does not taste good. In fact, I make it my mission to blow everyone away with how good the food is! It seems to always work.

So, with this plan, I get to

  1. Cook my own food and control it!
  2. Make food for my family (and hopefully blow them away)
  3. Expose them to a wider variety of healthy food.

A win, win, win!


We must let go of judgment that our family must eat like us and/or live like us. All that does is create separation and makes people feel bad. I’ll admit, I used to do that. I’d get on my soapbox and preach because having been impacted by healthy eating for quite a few years, of course, I wanted to tell them everything I was learning and shout it to the world! But it does not, and did not, work.

I learned that the best approach is to focus on what I need by making my own food and invite others to try it. Totally an open invitation. Take it or leave it.

Also, I only offer advice when people are ACTUALLY asking for it.

It can be easy to want to share everything you’ve learned about food! But only give advice when asked…this will save you from fights! This is a rule of thumb I live by even beyond my family, applying it to friends and strangers as well.


When I travel home, I am not afraid at all of asking for what I want and need when it comes to food and/or breaking out my own food.

Have you ever heard the quote, “Be You and Change the World?” Well, this is a perfect example. I honour who I am by the wonderful, nutrient-dense foods I choose to put in my body and I will not compromise that by feeling embarrassed or worrying that it may make someone else uncomfortable. I am not aggressive or rude about it, but it is my health, my body, my life, and that is what I do to honour it.


It is so easy to get triggered by family. You know, having an argument, getting upset, getting annoyed…believe me, all those things happened to me once or twice. The truth is we are different people, living our own lives, and then, Bam! we are all together. So, this can still trigger some old patterns when we are around each other.

Also, all families have things over the years that have not been worked out yet, or that have dragged on and on. Sometimes, well most times, it comes out in unhealthy ways. But you can get through it!

Enjoy your time with family and do your best to show up, be you, honour yourself, and love them!

Those are some of my top tips for how to eat healthy when visiting family.  It pays big time to be prepared by packing essentials, do some research, keeps the right attitude, and stay committed to keeping your health first.