Hi, I’m Sondra
We Bring A Total Lifestyle Approach To Your Nutrition And Meal Plans
The Yala Healthy Story
I tried numerous diets, fat burners and “magic” pills.
I tried not eating. I tried overeating. I lost some. I gained more.
A really big health scare. One that might see me checking out before I get to see my daughter grow up.
I was diagnosed with cancer and are still living with it on a daily basis.
It threw my world in turmoil…
To eat better, to exercise more and to do all I can to live a healthy life. It was definitely the most empowering feeling I ever experienced.
I started reading up, doing research and asking questions.
I completed my training as a Certified Fitness Trainer through a leading international expert in the industry, ISSA. I didn’t stop there though.
I enlisted the help of mentors, experts and boffins in the industry of sport and nutrition. I furthered my studies in personal nutrition as well as in child nutrition. I had all the knowledge, and know how, but somehow it just didn’t feel like enough.
During my own journey I eventually realised what that missing component was!
Most trainers, dieticians and physicians, seem to focus only on the physical aspects of losing weight or getting healthy such as your eating and training plan.
They all seem to overlook one of, if not the most important aspect – YOUR MIND!
It doesn’t matter how good your trainer, training plan or eating plan is. If your head isn’t in the game, then I can assure you it won’t last.
And since then, my commitment to training, eating better and staying as healthy as i can, took a turn for the better.
How did I do that, you may ask? How did I get my head in the game?
It’s quite simple, actually…
The one thing that made it different this time around, is that I found something worth dying for, and decided to live for it!
In my case, it was my little girl. I realised that I would die for this little girl. I would give my life for her.
Then I asked myself, so if you are willing to do that, then surely you can also live for her.
And I did. And I do…
This is one of the reasons I also pursued Wellness Coaching. To be able to coach people to a better, happier and healthier life.
After dropping 30 kg of weight, and changing my mind, health and body, I am here to help every person achieve the same.
Here at Yala Healthy, you won’t just get the best possible tools and guidance on nutrition and training, but you will get the best possible support from a mental and emotional point of view.
I am here on the days that you hit a high (and then we get to toast a protein shake to that)…
And I am here on the days that you hit a low (and then we get to suck on a spoon of peanut butter, all natural of course).
You do not have to walk this journey to health and fitness alone. I’m here to take your hand, keep you accountable and celebrate your successes with you!
Client Feedback & Testimonials
Here Are Some More Questions You May Have…

Sondra, who are your typical clients?
My client base also includes other personal trainers who want to fine tune their nutrition plan or just wanting some accountability (a very important factor in any health journey).
I also help ladies that are pregnant, as well as offering post-partum programs and breast-feeding programs. My certification in child nutrition and psychology, means I can also assist with children or teenagers struggling with weight or nutrition issues.
What results can I expect working with you?
I provide you with my expert knowledge, help, support and motivation and keep you accountable, but ultimately, the rest is up to you. That is what makes this such an amazingly empowering experience to go through.
There is no way to put an exact number on it, since each person differs vastly, and because I don’t believe in using numbers as a goal.
What you can expect is more energy, clear and soft skin, balanced hormones, no more joint pain and an overwhelming sense of wellbeing.
Also make sure you budget for new clothes – with your new slimmer body and healthy mind, you will want a total wardrobe make-over!
How fast can I expect results?
The more effort and compliance to the plan, the faster the results. The first two weeks is always the toughest, but hang in there. Within those first two weeks you will already experience mental and physical change and feel on top of the world!
What happens when I am finished with my program?
By understanding why you eat the way you do on my programs, you will be able to maintain your weight loss after stopping the program.
This is NOT a diet. This is a lifestyle.
I want you to fall in love with being healthy and fit. I want you to fall in love with YOU!
I have food allergies and/or there are some foods I do not like. Can you still help me?
This is a lifestyle remember. So why would you want to eat stuff you don’t like? Your meal plan is catered for you based on what you can or cannot eat and don’t worry, you won’t go hungry.
How do we get started?
I will send you all the necessary information regarding the packages that are available and what would suit you best.
I will then register you on my training portal and arrange for your assessment during which we will do a complete healthy and lifestyle assessment.
You will also be required to provide me with a 3-day diary of what you currently eat and when.
After that, we make magic!